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The South Carolina Federation of Republican Women (SCFRW) was chartered in 1961 by the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW). 2024 marks our 63rd year of continued service in the political arena.
  • To promote an informed public through political educational activity

  • To increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government

  • To facilitate cooperation between the National and state federations

  • To foster loyalty to the Republican Party and  to promote its principles

  • ​To support objectives and policies of the Republican National Committee

  • To work for the election of the Republican Party nominees

NFRW Purposes
Chartered in 1961

The tireless efforts of Mrs. Connie Armitage and Mrs. Pat Barnes in 1960 and 1961 laid the foundation for the vibrant and productive SCFRW of today. The SCFRW is comprised of about 1300 members statewide with 26 active local units. The dedicated efforts of the hundreds of women who came before have contributed to the energetic and enthusiastic membership of 2024.

The purpose of the organization, as set forth in the bylaws drawn up in 1961, have remained virtually unchanged.

Legislative Activities

SCFRW is actively involved in reviewing legislation to ensure that it protects Faith, Family & Freedom. Then, we contact our legislators via email, text, phone calls, and visits to make our voices heard in the cause of good  government. This includes attending and testifying at committee hearings.  

On our SCFRW Legislative Day, our members come from all over the state to spend the day at the Statehouse to visit with their representatives. We also hear from the Governor and other statewide elected officials.


Biennial conventions are held to elect officers, amend Bylaws, provide training, and recognition.

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